Saturday, 9 March 2019

What is IP Address?(All About IP Address / Internet Protocol)

What is IP Address?(All About IP Address / Internet Protocol)

What is IP Address?(All About IP Address / Internet Protocol)

The world's printers have a specific name for people's own identity. One can have one name or one person in one name, but each person has a different address. Phone in case of telephone Just like there is a number for the set, there is also contact or identification for each device (letter, enter kill) on the Quarter Network, which is also known as the Internet Protocol Version 4 or IPV4, which is named as IP (Internet Protocol) Address. To publish each IP address on the IPV4 system, The number of four octets (8-bit binary) is desirable. Therefore, it requires 32 bits to publish the complete address. Each octet is separated by a dot (.). From the first to three octets of IP addresses in the network class Can be used as a network ID and publishes the rest octet hauste ID. Note here that the network class is based on the number of devices connected to the network. For example - Class - A, Class Class - C, Class - D and Class - E. .
Below is an IP address showing
-> 11000000 10101000, 00001011. 00000001
It is inconvenient to remember the binary numbers because IP addresses are also written with their decimal decimals. 1000000 10101000, 00001011. ooooooo1 IP address decimals parallel to 192 168 11. 01. Currently, the Worldwide Internet of Things is going to be implemented. As a result, the number of devices connected to the network day by day. Growing. However, the IPv4 version is not capable of assigning enough addresses to the device. In the IPV4 version, Mat 272 or. , 294, 967, 296 can be given IP address in the number of devices which are currently incomplete. To overcome these difficulties, to overcome this problem. Starting IPv6 version for IPv6 addresses are 128 bits. That is, this version of IP address has 8 shares and every 16 bit is there. In this case, with the help of 128 bits, 219 or 3, the 4x1038 number can be switched on the internet. IPv6 addresses are usually hexadecimal format (values ​​are from 0000 to FFFF). The binary values ​​of each block are 16 bits.

Tags:What is ip address,all about ip address, Internet Protocol,ip address
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