Saturday 2 March 2019

Facebook Mental Health Study

Facebook Mental Health Study

Facebook Mental Health Study 

Here we are to share some general knowledge of negative psychological effects of facebook. Read out the article to know a bit more about this term & stop over using of not only face but also other social network as well as.

Sometimes, if you see repeatedly happening in a Facebook or social network, there may be many problems related to stress. In most cases, these are anxiety-related mental problems.
Generally, we do not usually face these stressful events or these cases are like deaths, horrific accidents, injuries, big hauls etc.

With whom happens psychological effects of facebook?

Generally, people who are mentally impaired or over-anxiety, who have less ability to take any pressure, or who are already suffering from any psychological problem, are more likely to suffer from such problems.

What kind of mental response?

Although these psychological reactions are due to stress, in most cases it is published as a physical symptom. However, in many cases doctors do not get any physical exams.

For example-
  •  Sleep problems (late to sleep, broken breaks, nightmares)
  •  Head rhythm, chest pressure or discomfort, chest pain, breathing difficulties.
  •  Dizziness, head ache, sudden sweating, sweating.
  •  Head rotating, walking imbalance, nausea, stomach gas or pressure.
  •  Suddenly the hands and feet become cold or dull, dry mouth.
  •  Feeling uncomfortable, trembling hands.
  •  Headache, neck pain, chronic pain in various places of the body.
  •  fear of going to die or sudden fall.

What to do?

Most of these responses to stress have come as a physical symptom, because the person often takes a bigger physical disorder. The anxiety increased further. If there is no problem in the physical and laboratory exams, consult the psychiatrist or psychiatrist.
l Do not be worried and reassure yourself that these symptoms are for mental reasons.
l Some exercises to keep the body and mind relaxed, such as breathing exercises (gradually stretch the breath slowly and keep them ablaze for a few minutes, do this several times)
l Regular walking, exercise, cycling, swimming, sports etc. also help to keep the mind relaxed.
Apart from raising social gatherings, dealing with different situations, fearing anything, slowing down without refusing to do so, etc. also increases the ability to deal with stress. And help to deal with anxiety.

So if you find something good in this article then comment down below so that we can do that kind stuff . Good Day!

Tags:psychological effects of facebook,negative psychological effects of facebook,psychological effects of using facebook
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