What is Virtual Reality(VR) - All About Virtual Reality 2019
Hey, What's up guys? I think you are doing well. So we're back with another Awesome Article On Virtual Reality. In this post we will cover every single term about The This Awesome Technology (Virtual Reality). If you really like this post then comment down below this post because it motivates me to Publish Awesome Article Like This. Get in touch with us. So lets begin !
What is Virtual Reality?
Virtual Reality or VR is a computer-controlled system that allows people to connect or experience artificial multi-sense sensitivity through modeling and simulation preferences. The simulated atmosphere in video games is often specifically just like the planet. In this case, the real-time experience is available from Virtual Reality. Sometimes the simulated or simulated environment may be different from the real. For example - Virtual Reality Games. Users with virtual reality completely submerge in a computer-controlled environment. The reality in Virtual Reality by wearing various types of information-carrying glasses, headsets or head-mounted displays - HMD, grooves, pajas (suit) etc. Is realized. A typical virtual reality comes with a user after a helmet with a stereoscopic or three-dimensional screen, and through real animated or animated. See the picture.
Telepresence refers to the combination of technology that uses a person to feel the real feeling of being available to others in place of tele-bariatrics instead of his real position. Traveling in telepresence or artificial three-dimensional worlds is influenced by a motion controller detector. The speed of the photo displayed on the screen via the motion controller sensor is matched to the user's speed with the virtual reality. When the virtual reality changes user speed, the speed of the scene displayed on the screen is also changed. Thus, the virtual reality mixes with the artificial 3D world and becomes a part of the world. Again, wearing force-fed data gloves gives touch feeling and time. Users can also use it to pick or hold an object in a virtual environment according to their own will.
In 1962, Morton Heilig launched the Virtual Reality through the discovery of his "Sensorama". In 1968, Ivan Sutherland first discovered the head-mounted 3D display in the Basan with the head. VIRTUAL REALITY TRIANGLE | Jaron Lanier first introduced the term "virtual reality", so there is a difference between the father of the
Virtual Reality?
Virtual Reality: Professor Bardia (Grigore C. Burdea), his Virtual Reality In the Technology book, Virtual Reality has been described as the combination of immersion, imagination, and interaction. According to him, virtual reality allows people to interact and interact in the realm of Kalpana.
Elements of Virtual Reality System:
Effector: A special type of interface device that can interfere with virtual reality environments. Reality is realized in the virtual reality by wearing a head-mounted display - HMD, (gloves), push etc.
Reality Simulator: Reality Simulator is a type of hardware that provides sensitive (visible or auditory) information to the effector. For example, different types of sensors, audio or video processing devices, different types of a transducer for pressure and temperature control.
Application: Application software is a type of software that describes the simulation's relevancy. Do it. Different types of application software can be seen depending on the operating system. For example, "Division" of Autodesk for Intel processor-based PC.
Geometry: Geometry halo information about the external characteristics of various objects in the virtual environment. Geometry is basically made with computer-aided design or cad software. Autodesk's "AutoCAD" software for 3D modeling of different objects such as Intel processor-based PC. Exposing the rendering and authoring of Virtual Reality files created by 1D software
What is Virtual Reality Used For?
Gaming Industry and Movies: Various types of modern attractive gaming create fortune Real-time Reality is a great way to create a variety of exciting new games. M Such as Xbox360, PS4 etc. It is desirable to have a risky view of different movies. Virtual Reality is used when creating animations.
Education and Training: It is widely appreciated in the education of children's education, science education, and engineering. For example, students can realize through the internal reaction simulation of the nuclear reactor.
Medical: It is possible to prevent various types of errors and risks before using virtual realities in the medical field. It is possible to train new doctors and medical students, such as simulated surgery. Again it is possible to run a new treatment system on simulated ragi.
Military: Flight simulators have been used for military training for many years. Using Virtual Reality, it is possible to further improve conventional flight simulator. In addition to virtual reality, soldiers are given much more practical and better training through simulated war.
Architectural and construction industries: Builders building a building through architectural virtual realities, in reality, building. You can make its myths before making it. As a result, it can be seen in the building, and if there is any, it is easily caught.
Business Trade: Virtual Reality usage can also be noticed in business commerce. No machining or product production. Before starting, it can be made public through virtual reality and publicly presented for its quality or quality testing.
Industrial - Factory: Simulating the production process of the industrial factory is done through Virtual Reality. As a result. Before starting the production process, its efficiency, productivity, risk, etc can be observed.
Driving Directions / Flight Simulator: Virtual Reality is being used now in driving training. It is possible to dominate various rules of driving through it very easily. Microcomputers are available at low cost. Due to this, various types of Virtual Reality Driving Simulators have been created. From simple driving strategies to complex strategies, it can be exported through. Flight Simulator is an instrument or device that creates aircraft imagery, landing, and movement of aircraft or aircraft, artificially aiming for pilot training, design, game etc. Virtual. Prior to the realization and artificial intelligence, creating a mythical atmosphere of flight or aircraft flying, landing. Operating it is called flight simulation.
Traffic management: Virtual Reality is now being used to manage roads, air, rail, and waterways vehicles. Through this, it is very easy to learn how to manage the vehicles in a computer-controlled imaginary environment, even in critical condition. In the imaginary reality, the traffic control officers of the aircraft were given various training. When a plane flies in the sky or an aircraft touches the runway, the complex task of managing it properly makes it very easy to control the virtuality with virtual reality.
Aerospace Expedition: There are various types of risks in every episode of space operations. Various important preparations are important. The ambassadors can already train in the field of space exploration in the imaginary environment and adaptation to space.
Tags: What is Virtual Reality, What is Virtual Reality used for, Virtual Reality System